Do you feel that life is demanding more and more from you and your stress levels are constantly high?
You get one thing ticked off your to - do list for two more to be added. You feel pulled in all directions from work, family and friends and wonder how everyone else is doing it all so successfully whilst you just want to be left alone for a minute's peace. You've tried green juices, bubble baths and help books but they only touch the tip of the iceberg. You still feel exhausted, overworked and overwhelmed from spinning plates like a professional circus act.
There's a reason the bubble baths and juices don't make lasting change...they don't change your inner dialogue, your self criticism, the higher expectations you hold for yourself than you do for others, your constant people pleasing and pushing your needs to the bottom of the list until everyone else is happy; which let's be honest never happens!
To make lasting change to your life, your energy and your happiness you need to change your thoughts as well as your actions. Awareness proceeds all change. Coaching with me will help you open your awareness to what's really stopping you from having the life you want and support you in making the changes to get what you desire.
Many people feel it's a lack of time or money that's in their way but that's rarely the case. It's the emotions, beliefs and habits that fuel the overworking and increase your stress levels. It's your inner critic that tells you to people please and procrastinate and your feelings of self worth that make you feel an imposter which makes you work harder and send your happiness to the bottom of the list.
When you make changes to the real reasons behind your stress and overwhelm, then you can start to make changes that are lasting. Changes that are in alignment with the life you want rather than surviving the life you have. Changes that give you headspace to relax and reclaim your happiness.
Then people will wonder 'How do you do it?'
What coaching could cover
Create awareness and understanding of how your thought and behaviour habits are impacting on your life and wellbeing, so you feel less stressed and have more energy.
End Perfectionism & Procrastination
Learn why you're getting in your own way and let me help you break this down into manageable steps to make these two a thing of the past.
Increase Your Confidence
If most days you're not sure who you are anymore or what you want, I'll help you take the steps to re-find you. I'll support you in building the courage and confidence to go out and get what you want so life no longer feels like a survival game.
Increase Your Self-Compassion
'You need to love yourself more.' You've heard it a million times but have no idea how or where to start. Let me support you in developing self-compassion techniques so that you stop striving for perfection and know you're good enough just as you are.
Increase Your Self-Care
With more time and headspace you'll feel able and itching to start taking better care of both your emotional and physical wellbeing Explore what works for you and that it isn't just bubble baths and green juices. With greater self care you can smash your goals more easily, maintain focus and success.
Befriend Your Inner Critic
Discover what your inner critic is protecting you from. Learn how to challenge it in a supportive & friendly way so it no longer keeps you playing small.
Mind is everything.
What we think we become.
To change your life you need change the way you think and react to it.
I came to Ali suffering from flashbacks relating to domestic abuse. The flashbacks were impacting on my daily life and my ability to form meaningful relationships. After 12 weeks working with Ali I’m no longer living in fear. I understand my flashbacks, why they happen and that I can control them. My self confidence and self esteem have massively improved and others have commented on this too. One of my biggest changes has been around boundaries. I never realised I had poor boundaries before. Ali has a way of explaining things so they make sense and the tools she shares are easy to apply.
I like being me now. I’ve never liked being me before.
– 1 to 1 coaching 12 week programme
I am a mother of four children. I own and rent out properties. Working with Ali has been invaluable. She came at a time where I really needed support. She has been life changing at a time that I couldn't see my way through my difficulties. Apart from simply enjoying chatting each week to lovely Ali, just learning techniques to be able to deal with my problems. Learning how to release and let things go, heal and love myself has been amazing.
-1 to 1 coaching after 12 weeks.